Tuesday, June 2, 2009


Heck man! This car is made out of fabric. Well imagine that, this hot bird named BMW G.I.N.A is a new prototype model from BMW. Its about making a new concept on shaping cars in the next future. Using their latest brains and talents, combining geometrical aspect and wind breaking solutions. Pakai kainlaa siooooottttt!!

Damn! just went drooollling over the car, will get over it in a week or so. Until then THE HOTSPOTS IS OVER HERE. Or you can visits my links at left hand corner for more details.

Monday, June 1, 2009


Well after a sad weekend, i am trying to forget the past forging the upcoming events, trying to let go the past. Indeed in has to be a another new beginning. Everything that has a end surely has a new beginning.

No! i didn't put this pic for fun, the calmness of this scenery and the survival of this magnificent nature never fail to move on. Each and every day it has its own troubles, fear and peace. But it makes a way through out all of this shingles. In a way i'm so attracted by its way, most of all the creator who has made this.

I will begin anew despite the harsh, pitiful, lustful and arrogant world we live in. Time to move on, time to change, time to plan. Because it will all be starting all over again.

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