Lavishingly today out of the blue, I'm gonna post some good movies for you guys to pop your eyes at! Ok lets go!
Well lets review our 1st, this years there's a lot o comic book based movie coming around, first up coming from wildstorm comics for the 1st time (anyway it's under dc comics) making a different debut. This time around our hero is a psychic and all people around him oso a psychic. There have a different classes of this mind benders. The is a heated tensions between the powerless and the one who wields it. Rebut powerle apa lagi!
Well here the movie poster for it. I say can you lift a spoon with your mind. Then again just forget it!
Ah!~the one i been looking forward to. this is going to be a block-o-buster in the chart, its the decepticons time to maul over autobots, well anyway they been doing it before, doesn't make a difference. I think this time its more challenging foe the autobots to rise on their feet. Hey their trailer ain't bad ain't it. Aw you know where to go & watch the preview man!.
Sream baby! scream11, no its not a freddy krueger or a jason the chainsaw. Its our baddie from the acclaimed movie x-men 'THE RABBID WOLVERINE'. Alway wanted to see this guy doing solo for his movie, and who else is deserved people doing this stunt other then Hugh Jackman my man. Got the body, the face & the attitude. Slash em' baby yeah. This gou likes cigar at the end of the show and slashing. He never take no for an answer. I like it!, well i have to hold on until it comes to our shore. Damn! why can't live the other globe around.
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